Sunday, July 9, 2017

Summer School 2017 is Coming to an End!

Dear Families,

We have had an amazing three weeks of summer school so far, but like all good things, this too must come to an end!

If you haven't already, check out the flickr account!  There are photos from all of our classes and even from our Wizarding World meetup.  On your computer, you will see a list of relevant links to the left, this may not be available on all devices.  If you don't see the list, never fear, the link is here:  flickr

You can also check out our Instagram account, @teaching_magic

Also, please sign and return our movie permission slip.  The Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts movies are rated PG/PG13, so we need a parent signature!  This will go out Monday, if you do not receive one, or lose it, just copy/paste/print and send it in.  :)

Alternately, email me at miss_cong[at]

There's still a ton of fun to be had, and lots more pictures to post, so keep checking in this week!