Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Field Trip Next Week

The 4th Grade is planning a field trip to the Natural History Museum in Exposition Park on Thursday, June 7. Room 7 is looking for two parent volunteers who will help chaperone the students during our visit. Please contact Miss Cong if you are interested. Since we have used our wish list money to pay for the field trip, no additional payment is required from Room 7 students. The bus will depart in the morning from Washington School and return before the end of classes.

Check out the website below for more information about the museum.

Students are allowed to bring their own lunch, or will be provided a sack lunch by the cafeteria. Please do not bring money for lunch or souvenirs, we will not be visiting the gift shop or concessions. Also, soft drinks and large bags of chips (or Cheetos) are not permitted, I will be checking lunches and such items will be left behind. Healthy snacks, like fruits and veggies, are encouraged!
Students are not to bring their backpacks on the trip, all of their lunches will be stored until lunchtime. They may bring a small bag or purse to hold inexpensive cameras, notebooks, and pencils for note-taking. Though photos are not allowed inside the museum exhibits, the gardens are a beautiful setting for photographs. Of course, I will have photos up on my website for everyone to enjoy.

Permission slips have already been sent home. Please return these by Wednesday the 6th. See me if you need a new copy.

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