Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hogwarts Week 1

Assistant Deputy Headmistress Professor Cong was so excited about the start of another year at Hogwarts, she ordered a new set of robes from Madame Malkin's! Professor Snape made sure to stock his stores of potions ingredients. They managed to get the owls off with invitations to new students just in time. Each student needed to arrive at Platform 9 3/4 at 10:25AM on Thursday with their invitation and wizarding attire in order to board the Hogwarts Express. Once arrived, they were welcomed into the candlelit Great Hall, where they were sorted into their Houses by the Sorting Hat. Cheers were heard as the First Year students added their names to the roster and took their seats. Students learned the rules and some Hogwarts traditions, such as the awarding of the House Cup and toured the grounds. We concluded with the singing of the Hogwarts School Song (Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy, Warty Hogwarts/ Teach us something please...). At the end of term, each student will have their work bound into a keepsake yearbook, and the cover will be in their House color.

On Friday, since the students were unable to make the trip to Diagon Alley in time, and since Mr. Ollivander did not have any wands available to sell, Hogwarts First Years were allowed to make their own wands. We procured wand bases (enchanted to look like paintbrushes so as to avoid muggle detection) and sculpted them using Model Magic. Once they are dry, we will be painting them. These wands will be serviceable for practice until students can get an Ollivander wand. Remember, swish and flick!

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