Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week 3 Wrap-Up!

4th of July cupcakes from Week 2
I'm happy to say that I got a new card reader and the pictures from both Week 2 and 3 are now all posted on flickr.  Click the hyperlink to go to the albums.  As a reminder to browse the pictures, I have sent home a note with a little job for the students.  Simply look up the album for your class/es (American Girl, Camp Half-Blood, or Cooking) and fill in the blank with the number of pictures in the album/set.  Have a parent initial it and bring it back next week for a bonus point.  Parents, look for the blue half-sheet.

In Week 3, Camp American Girl continued with the Isabelle series, reading Designs by Isabelle.  We made tiaras and tutus for our dolls as well.  All American Girls read Meet Addy, about a young girl who escapes slavery during the Civil War, after her father and brother are sold to another plantation, tearing their family apart.  A girl like Addy would have had few toys, perhaps a doll made of scraps.  We used scrap pieces of paper to create our own "Ida Bean" dolls.

Camp Half-Blood opened up its armory to allow students to forge their own swords and shields.  We are just about at the 300 page mark in The Lightning Thief, and still going strong!  In our spare time, we might practice our Greek or study the Gods.  A note went home regarding permission to watch the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief movie, please review the Parental Guide and return the permission slip as soon as possible.

In Book Cooks, we made a variety of dishes, from Stone Soup to On Top of Spaghetti (and Meatballs), and even Festive Fried Rice in a Runaway Wok.  Passport to Cuisine traveled to Asia this week, whipping up such exotic fare as Es Chendol from Indonesia and a refreshing Mango Lassi from India.

Stay tuned next week for more adventures!  Three weeks down, one to go!  Friday is the last day of summer school, get ready for the end of session celebrations.

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