Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Monster Mash!

The annual Halloween Costume Parade was held on Wednesday, October 31. Students and staff alike dressed up in their finest disguises for the occasion. I even spied a few festively dressed parents! Prizes were awarded at every grade level for the Great Pumpkin letter writing contest as well as for the costumes.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Around the World

Have you ever wanted to see the world? I always have! I was 15 when I started traveling without my parents! One of the things I try to find on my trips is postcards. Back in the days of film cameras, I always worried that my photos would turn out awful, so I bought postcards of the places I visited just in case. I have hundreds of postcards, many from faraway friends.

During the school year, I get to see the world from my mailbox. I recently signed up at You can request up to 5 addresses at a time. Once you send them out, your name gets added to the list to receive cards. Postcards are inexpensive (usually 25 cents to one dollar each), and postage is still a good price at 90 cents. You can learn a great deal about foreign countries and geography through this type of hobby. It's kind of like a more grown-up version of Flat Stanley!

The one pictured above is an example of a postcard I received this week from Japan. You can see more pictures of my cards here:

Sunday, October 7, 2007

At the Car Wash!!

On Saturday, I headed over to the car wash fundraiser for the 5th Grade Science Camp. The 5th Grade teachers, parents, and students worked hard to clean the grime off numerous cars! I hear that my car was especially dirty. :) At $5 per car, not only did we get to support a worthy cause, we also got a great deal!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Trash-Free Lunch!

Did you know that the average student throws away 67 pounds of lunchbox trash every year?

To learn more about how to reduce the amount of trash in your lunch, click this link:

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm Back!

I just wanted to say how happy I am to be back at Washington School for this school year. It will be a pleasure to work with the 4th and 5th grade students and staff as the classroom support teacher.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Toys for Tots Toy Drive

From November 6th to the 11th, Walden Media is sponsoring this great toy drive for Toys for Tots. They plan to break the Guinness World Record by collecting over 12,000 pounds of toys from 10 US metro areas. If you are affiliated with a school, library, or community center, see what you can do to get them to participate. Even if you don't live in one of the areas, they will still help you collect and donate the toys, they just won't be weighed for the record. Or, gather some toys and find out who is participating. This is a great cause to support!

To host a drive, sign up at the website below by September 28, 2007.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Write Like Mike" Contest

Are you a sports-mad kid between the ages of 8 and 12? Write a 250-word column on a sports event and it could be published in Sports Illustrated Kids! Your name will also be used in an upcoming "Comback Kids" book by Mike Lupica and your school will receive $1000 for sports equipment.

Click on the link for more information:

Mr. Magorium Toy Contest

Have a great idea for a toy? Design and build a model of it and you could win a trip to the Twentieth Century Fox Studio. Click the link for official rules and to enter:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jif $25,000 Scholarship Contest

Hey Kids!

If you like creating fun new dishes and have some good writing skills, perhaps this is the contest for you! I thought some of you would be interested in the chance to win a $25,000 college scholarship, sponsored by Jif peanut butter. All you have to do is come up with a great peanut butter sandwich recipe, describe how to make it, and take a photo of the finished product!

For the official announcement and rules, click on the link above. Get that entry in by November 15 and good luck!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Last Day Pictures

Hey Guys!

Sorry to be so late getting the last few photos uploaded, I forgot that I hadn't done it! Anyway, check out the PhotoSite to see pictures of our last day, including all the fun food we had. Have a great rest-of-your-summer and good luck next year!

-Miss Cong

***Remember, download the pictures ASAP, the PhotoSite will be closing this month.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dress Like a...Day Photos!

Pictures are now up in the PhotoSite Gallery, everyone looked great! Look in the "Dress Like a...Day" folder. My apologies for a few blurry pictures!

Only two days of Summer School left!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Costume Examples

Here are a few examples of outfits you might put together for Dress Like a ... Day. Other than the Edmund knight costume (which was purchased from Disney), we just used a combination of thrift store finds and common costume props to pull off these great looks. Your closets may hold the perfect piece for your costume!

Dress Like a ... Day!

To celebrate finishing our reading selections, Friday, July 20th (tomorrow!) will be Dress Like a Farmer/Narnia/Pirate Day here in Room 104. Students are encouraged to come to class in appropriate garb. Of course, we have a few costumes and accessories for the forgetful to borrow. Please do not bring play weapons, as they would probably be confiscated. Oh, and pirates, even though many real pirates did not wear shoes, you still have to!

Photos will be uploaded on the PhotoSite, be sure to download them before the website closes in a few months.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Arm Yourselves!

Peter Pevensie received a shield on which the charge was a rampant lion, the symbol of Aslan. A rampant animal on a shield would be in a charging position, facing left, on it's hind legs, with the forelegs and tail raised.

We learned about some of the symbolism behind the heraldry used in coats of arms. Students learned what the different colors and symbols stand for and used that to create their own shield designs.

Check out some books on heraldry at the library or go online (with your parents' permission). Pictures of students making their shields are on the PhotoSite now!

Fresh-Churned Butter

Life on a farm like Zuckerman's often included such chores as churning butter. These days, most people get their butter from the market, but on Friday, we made it ourselves. It's actually very easy!

First, you need some heavy whipping cream. Pour it into a jar with a tight seal. Then, all you do is shake the jar until much of the contents are solid (we did this in less than half an hour, taking turns). Strain out the extra liquid and you have a soft, creamy, unsalted butter. We ate ours spread onto squares of homemade cornbread. Delicious!

My camera ran out of batteries while we were eating, but there are a few pictures to see on my PhotoSite.

Pirate Booty

Every self-respectin' pirate needs a treasure chest in which to stow their ill-gained booty! Last week, all the pirates on board The Black Pearl and The Death Deck crafted their own treasure chests. Each one was painted and decorated. The Cap'n was gracious enough to give them all a share of booty to put inside, with more to come as we be plunderin' the high seas!

Check out the pictures on the PhotoSite before they're gone!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Paper Plate Farm Animals

Check out these adorable paper plate farm animals! There were three different ones: cow, chicken, and pig. Our farmers did a very good job making these, they'll look great in your barn.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hoist the Colors

Has your little pirate been singing a new tune? We've just learned the song, "Hoist the Colors" from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Styled after pirate shanties of old, this type of song would be sung while raising the "colors" (flag). Pirates used these songs to keep up a good rhythm and promote teamwork. Here is the chorus from "Hoist the Colors."

Yo, ho, haul together,
Hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
Never say we die!

PhotoSite Closing

Unfortunately, PhotoSite will be closing at the end of September. That means that my pictures will not be available online after that time. I will continue to upload photos of the classes throughout the summer, which you can view and download. Make sure that you save all the photos you want to keep by September 27, 2007. If you have trouble downloading, contact me at and I will email you the photos you want.

Dinner with the Beavers

Hail Narnians! Did you try making Turkish Delight last week? Well, if you enjoyed that, look in your books and make a list of all the foods enjoyed by the Pevensies at the Beavers' house. Perhaps you can try a few of the tasty dishes this weekend?

Or, maybe you want to find out more about real beavers? Check out some books from the local library and learn about what they really eat and how they they live (not in a house, I'm sure!).

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Attention all SPEF'ers, friends, and families!!! Photos are now up! Please go to to check them out. More photos will be posted as the classes progress, so check in every week for updates!
p.s. Thanks again to Julian P. for the gift of Narnia Stratego. The class will enjoy playing it!

Zuckerman's Farm

In Zuckerman's Farm, we have of course been reading Charlotte's Web as a class, but we've also been hard at work putting together our farm mobiles (example at right). Each student will get to take home their mobiles at the end of summer. The class is learning about main events, characters, and settings. Today we also learned about the parts of a spider. Stay tuned for some fun activities that are coming up!

Friday, June 29, 2007

We're Goin' on Account!

Ahoy me hearties! Captain Cong is pleased to announce the crews of her two ships, The Black Pearl and The Death Deck! All these salty sea dogs will be goin' on account for our next sailing:

The Black Pearl
Master Gunner-Nestore
Musicians-Caspar, Kevin, Nicholas, Ivan
Seamen-Sean, Archer, Nate, Sandy, Max, Case, Bryan, David, Tanner
Cabin Boys-Ryan, Jonah, Ilai

The Death Deck
Master Gunner-Addison
Musicians-Talia, Kenneth
Cabin Boys-Thomas, Annika

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Turkish Delight

Today in World of Narnia, we read about Edmund's experience with Turkish Delight, a delicacy also known as lokum. To the left is a picture of real Turkish Delight, which we will sample later on in the class.

Check out this clip from the movie:

Can't wait to try the Turkish Delight for yourself? How about making it at home? Get your parents' help and cook up a batch. Here's the recipe:

Turkish Delight

2 cups of granulated sugar
1 lemon
1 orange peel
1 orange
4 tablespoons unflavored powdered gelatin
2 tablespoons confectioner's sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 1/4 cups water

Dissolve the granulated sugar in half of the water over medium heat. Add the strips of lemon and orange peel and the juices. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Soak the gelatin in the liquid for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the liquid into a shallow, dampened pan and let it set for 24 hours. Cut the candy into 1 inch squares. Sift the confectioner's sugar and cornstarch together. Roll the pieces of candy in the powder. Store the squares in boxes with more confectioner's sugar and cornstarch between each layer.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer School!

Well, hats off to Arroyo Vista for hosting this year's SPEF Summer School, and to Mr. Nielsen for lending me his classroom! We are off and running with the start of classes. This year, I have Zuckerman's Farm, World of Narnia, and Pirateology on my schedule. We're just getting to know each other right now, but there are lots of fun activities in store over the next few weeks.

I try to check my email every day, so if you have any questions or comments, please let me know!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

School's Out for Summer!!

Thanks again to everyone in the Room 7 family for making this as smooth a transition as possible! It was a pleasure.

I am going to have the last few pictures up very soon, but many of the Washington albums of the PhotoSite will be coming down at the end of next week to make space for my Summer School photos. Parents, be sure to download any pictures you wanted to keep ASAP. Also, this blog will be switching gears in the next post or two as I move into Summer School mode, so have a great summer, Warriors!

Remember, you can always email me at with any questions or comments.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Three Days to Go!

More Science Fair photos have been added to the PhotoSite.

Once again, the Warrior staff was victorious over the 5th graders! The annual softball game took place this morning. Pictures can be seen on the PhotoSite.
Tomorrow is the final awards assembly of the year. Be there at 9:30AM to recognize the students' achievements in the third trimester!

If you haven't already, you have one last chance to contribute to the Science Camp fundraiser by bringing 6 bottles/boxes of drinks (juice, water, no soda) to the front of the school on Wednesday morning. The drinks will be sold at the BBQ on Thursday.

Our end of the year party will be held during lunch on Wednesday. Some food (pizza and green salad) and drink will be provided by me, though I am requesting that students contribute at least one cup of washed, bite-sized fruit to be used in a yummy fruit salad. If you wish to bring something, please make sure there is enough for the whole class (33 students). Please do not bring candy, chips, or soda. Students who do not participate in the party will have their regular lunch in the cafeteria.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Science Fair

The Upper Grade Science Fair was a great success! There were so many projects exhibited, the tables in Bennett Hall were nearly full. Each student will receive a certificate for participating and plaques will be awarded for the top project in each of four categories.

Pictures from the Science Fair can be found in my PhotoSite gallery.

Remember to bring drinks on Friday for the Science Camp fundraiser! We are hoping to raise $300 selling drinks at the BBQ for next year's camp.

Also, please bring your donations for the Student Council Read-a-Thon fundraiser. Upper grade will be reading for one whole hour on Friday to raise funds for Student Council programs. Ask everyone you know to sponsor you!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


June's "Harvest of the Month" is the peach! Nurse Sherwood stopped by last week with enough peaches for the whole class. This stone fruit is an excellent source of nutrients and is closely related to the nectarine.

Samantha (at left) volunteered to help wash the peaches during recess. Make sure you thoroughly wash peaches before eating, as there may be harmful chemicals on the skin.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Museum Map

Many students wanted a copy of the Museum maps. Unfortunately, they were only giving these out to the adult visitors, so here is a scan of each section.

I encourage everyone to visit the Natural History Museum with their families over the summer. Admission is $9 for adults, $2 for children under 12, and FREE every first Tuesday. The Butterfly Pavillion of Wings will be open until September for an additional charge. While in Exposition Park, stop by the California Science Center (FREE), California African-American Museum, and nearby USC.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day at the Museum!

We have just returned from the 4th Grade Field Trip to the Los Angeles Natural History Museum! Huge thanks to Ms. Dea, Ms. Savare, and Coach C. for accompanying us on the trip. Today, the students learned from hands-on exhibits about California history, gems and minerals, modern and prehistoric animals, and ancient civilizations.

I will be adding photographs that I took to my PhotoSite shortly. Since I was not with the whole class for most of the trip, my pictures will be of students in my group. However, I invite students to share their photos (via email, disc, or memory card), which I will happily upload to the site for all the students (and parents!) to see.

Tonight is a homework-free Thursday kids, enjoy!

For interested parents, there is a Science Camp meeting this evening at 7pm in Mr. Perry's room (Rm. 9).

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Teacher Appreciation Week

A big thank you to all the families that participated in Teacher Appreciation Week! Even though I have only been your students' teacher for a little over two months, you have all been very gracious and supportive. The flowers and cards were lovely and I'm sure we will all enjoy the cookies during our tea times.

On another note, Mrs. Mangahis has delivered a healthy 5 lb. 4 oz. baby girl named Olivia Lucia! The class left a message on her voicemail, though understandably, we have not heard from her yet.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Field Trip Next Week

The 4th Grade is planning a field trip to the Natural History Museum in Exposition Park on Thursday, June 7. Room 7 is looking for two parent volunteers who will help chaperone the students during our visit. Please contact Miss Cong if you are interested. Since we have used our wish list money to pay for the field trip, no additional payment is required from Room 7 students. The bus will depart in the morning from Washington School and return before the end of classes.

Check out the website below for more information about the museum.

Students are allowed to bring their own lunch, or will be provided a sack lunch by the cafeteria. Please do not bring money for lunch or souvenirs, we will not be visiting the gift shop or concessions. Also, soft drinks and large bags of chips (or Cheetos) are not permitted, I will be checking lunches and such items will be left behind. Healthy snacks, like fruits and veggies, are encouraged!
Students are not to bring their backpacks on the trip, all of their lunches will be stored until lunchtime. They may bring a small bag or purse to hold inexpensive cameras, notebooks, and pencils for note-taking. Though photos are not allowed inside the museum exhibits, the gardens are a beautiful setting for photographs. Of course, I will have photos up on my website for everyone to enjoy.

Permission slips have already been sent home. Please return these by Wednesday the 6th. See me if you need a new copy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thank You!!

Thanks again to everyone who turned out for Open House on Thursday night! I think the kids really loved showing you all the different things they've learned about this year, including electric currents, probability, and California history. We were also glad to welcome the rest of the school as well as grandparents and other VSPs on Friday morning.

If you didn't get to try it, we got a lot of nice comments about the 10 Veggie Pasta Salad the kids made, so here is the recipe:

Bell Pepper
Green Onions
Italian Dressing

Cut all the veggies into small pieces (I gave the kids butter knives and let them do it!). Toss with cooked pasta, thyme, and italian dressing. Serve cold. You can also add grilled chicken or shredded cheese.

Check out more pictures in the "Open House" folder of the Room 7 PhotoSite.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Open House

Welcome to Open House in Room 7! We are delighted to have you tour our room, we have worked hard to get ready for your visit. From the Writing Wall to the Electrical Current Projects, we hope you enjoy looking at our work!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Light it Up!

Today we experimented with electricity. Two sets of D-cell batteries, wire, and tape were passed around the room. Using only these tools, students had to figure out how to light a small lightbulb (closed circuit). Once they lit the bulb, students passed the items on to the next person until everyone had a chance to try it. Check out more pictures in the Science album of my PhotoSite!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Updates (Open House, etc.)

Next Thursday is Open House! Class will be dismissed at 1:30PM that day. Families are welcome to join in at the International Feast at 5:30PM. Cost of admission is one dish to feed about fifteen people. Immediately following the feast is a brief PTA meeting and then at 7:00PM, guests are invited to tour the classrooms. Come and see our students' hard work! Since we only have one hour to talk with all of our visitors, it is requested that parents schedule a separate meeting if they wish to discuss their student's progress.

The following Friday will be Grandparents/VSP (Very Special Persons) Day. Tickets for the breakfast are $3 for adults and are available now. Visit the office for more details.

If you haven't yet purchased your yearbooks, they are still available for $10 until May 25. After that, they will be $15. Pick up a form at the office today.

The Lost and Found is overflowing with unclaimed jackets and sweatshirts! There are also 6 pairs of glasses in the Health Office which need to be returned to their owners. Please take a moment to check and see if any of these items might be yours.

Finally, in case you haven't heard, Washington School receives credit from Office Depot every time you shop there. You must tell them the School ID number, which is: 70014204. These credits are used to purchase school supplies and other necessary items to help students be successful at school.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Science Fair

STAR testing is finally complete, with all makeups being taken this Monday. Yay!!

As part of their homework, students should be working on their Science Projects in anticipation of the Science Fair this June. Topics and partners have been chosen, and information packets have been distributed. Each project centers on a question and the students' hypothesis (theory) on the answer. Students will devise experiments or investigations which will prove or disprove their hypothesis and hopefully answer their question.

Each project should have a tri-fold presentation board (see picture at left) for display in Bennett Hall on the day of the fair. These are readily available at office and art supply stores such as Staples or Michaels for about $5. I will have a limited number available for purchase in June.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Mission Platters

Each student is creating a mosaic Mission Platter art project. Check out more pictures in the Social Studies section of our PhotoSite. You can see the finished projects at Open House in two weeks!

In other news...

Please remember to sign and return all forms, including Weekly Reports. It is important that we get these in a timely manner.

Students have started the 5-a-Day/Steps to Healthy Living program for fitness and nutrition. Each student is encouraged to take 4,000 steps during school hours every day. Pedometers have been provided, and will be checked in and out for the next few days. After the completion of the program, students will get to keep the pedometers so they can continue their fitness regimen on their own. In addition, we are tracking the amount of fruits and vegetables being eaten every day. Students should eat about five servings per day to maintain good nutrition.

We are beginning to work on projects for this June's Science Fair. Many projects will take considerable time, so get started early (parents, look for the packet)! Some supplies, like construction paper, may be requested if needed and available. Most of the work on these projects will be done at home, so be sure to set aside some time and space to work on it. Some students may be working in pairs or small groups, so make sure you exchange phone numbers and meet after school or on the weekend to to work on it.

Finally, we resume STAR testing on Wednesday and Thursday. The next two sections will be on math, so make sure you practice your math skills. Get a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast so you can be sharp for the test. Make up exams will be given next week.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Science Camp

Join Mr. Perry for an informational meeting regarding 5th Grade Science Camp for 2008! Stop by Room 9 at 7PM on Thursday, May 3 (after the Parent Academy) to find out more about this great opportunity.

Static Electricity

In Science, we are learning about Static Electricity. We did an investigation in which we rubbed these balloons with different materials and observed their behaviors. See more pictures by clicking my PhotoSite link to the left.

Paper Shortage!

As you can see, we are running low on lined paper! We have ordered some from the District Warehouse, but it has not yet arrived. So, I am asking that students supply their own paper until our order comes in. Thanks for your understanding!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


California State Testing has begun! 4th Grade will be taking the Language Arts test on Wednesday and Thursday mornings this week and Math the same time next week. Please come to school ready to ace the CST!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Yearbook Orders

The 2006-2007 Washington Yearbook is complete! Make sure you gets yours by ordering one for $10 from the PTA. The last day to lock in this great price is Friday, May 4th. After that, it will cost $15. Order forms are available in the Office.