Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th of July holiday!  We will be back to school on Tuesday, July 6 for week 2 of our exciting classes.

In the meantime, do enjoy the photos in my flickr gallery (see links).  I am currently uploading the backlog of photos taken last week.

Hogwarts students have been busy with supply procurement, making their own wands (a bargain, at only 1 galleon for supplies!), and finally being sorted into the four houses.  We even celebrated Harry's 11th birthday (the same day Hagrid found him in that hut in the sea) with a chocolate cake made by Hagrid himself.  It was a bit smushed, but still delicious.

The American Girls learned about life in the Colonial era through the story of Felicity Merriman, concluding in a tea and the performance of a play about the tea boycott.  Next up, we will be reading Meet Samantha, the story of a Victorian girl in the early 20th century.  Topics covered may include child labor laws and women's suffrage.  Again, you don't need to have the book to participate, but it does help to follow along.  Click through the link to find the book on Amazon, or visit your local library or bookstore. The Samantha doll has been retired, so many of her books may now be more difficult to find in stores.

Finally, in Book Cooks, we had a nice mix of old favorites as well as new stories and recipes.  Mashed potatoes, Jell-O parfaits, ratatouille, and candy bar hot chocolate were all prepared and enjoyed by the students this week.  I suggest giving over the potato-mashing to your young sous chef this Thanksgiving.  Stay tuned for next week's menu!

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