Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week 2 Review!

Last week, in Hogwarts, we boarded the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4 and enjoyed sweet treats from the trolley, including Blood Pops, "lady" fingers, licorice wands, and bug bars.  They also started their own little collection of Chocolate Frog Cards.  Students were challenged to recreate a potion demonstrated by our resident potions master.  So far, none have been successful, but everyone will have a chance to try again next week, anyone duplicating the potion will earn 5 points for their house.

The American Girls learned about the early 1900s with Samantha Parkington.  The Samantha books are commonly considered to be of the Victorian era, but are more properly Edwardian.  Students discussed child labor, class and racial distinctions of the era, and differences in lifestyle.  We prepared for our Victorian tea by making decoupaged (scrap collage) invitations and "pressed" flower place cards.  The girls loved decorating their own fans and learning the fan "language."  Our menu for tea on Friday was chicken salad sandwiches, blueberry muffins, strawberries and cream, and a citrus tea.

Finally, the chefs of Book Cooks made Two Peas in a Pasta (snap peas and sweet peas with pasta shells), meatballs (on top of spaghetti), fried rice, and Deliciously Plain Buttercream Frosting for their plain vanilla cupcakes.  I suggest hiding the condiments and decorations from your zealous little chefs!

As always, click on the flickr link on the left column to see pictures of all of last week's lessons!

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