Saturday, July 31, 2010

Flickr Gallery Updated

Please enjoy the updated flickr gallery, including pictures all the way up to the 4th week.  Last day pictures will be up shortly.

Looking forward, I am heading out to Whimsic Alley and American Girl Place tomorrow to scout out our upcoming "field trips."  I have some little surprises in store for everyone joining our tours.  It's not too late to purchase tickets to the Hogwarts tea, just call the store directly and tell them you are with "Miss Mary Cong" to get 10% off the pre-sale.  Tickets at the door are full price, so make sure to call ahead!  Our reservations have been made for the American Girl Kaya Celebration, but everyone is welcome to the free craft and tour.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week 2 Review!

Last week, in Hogwarts, we boarded the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4 and enjoyed sweet treats from the trolley, including Blood Pops, "lady" fingers, licorice wands, and bug bars.  They also started their own little collection of Chocolate Frog Cards.  Students were challenged to recreate a potion demonstrated by our resident potions master.  So far, none have been successful, but everyone will have a chance to try again next week, anyone duplicating the potion will earn 5 points for their house.

The American Girls learned about the early 1900s with Samantha Parkington.  The Samantha books are commonly considered to be of the Victorian era, but are more properly Edwardian.  Students discussed child labor, class and racial distinctions of the era, and differences in lifestyle.  We prepared for our Victorian tea by making decoupaged (scrap collage) invitations and "pressed" flower place cards.  The girls loved decorating their own fans and learning the fan "language."  Our menu for tea on Friday was chicken salad sandwiches, blueberry muffins, strawberries and cream, and a citrus tea.

Finally, the chefs of Book Cooks made Two Peas in a Pasta (snap peas and sweet peas with pasta shells), meatballs (on top of spaghetti), fried rice, and Deliciously Plain Buttercream Frosting for their plain vanilla cupcakes.  I suggest hiding the condiments and decorations from your zealous little chefs!

As always, click on the flickr link on the left column to see pictures of all of last week's lessons!

Field Trip Information (confirmed)

Hogwarts School of Wizardry @ Whimsic Alley
Where: 5464 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA  90036
When: Sunday, August 29
1:30PM--Meet in the alley to socialize with your friends and visit the shops before the tea.  Everyone is welcome and there is no cost to enter the store.
2:00PM--Tea in the Great Hall.  A traditional tea with sandwiches, scones, and sweets will be served in the beautiful Great Hall.  Entertainment (tarot and tea leaf readings) is included.  Feel free to wear wizarding attire!  Tickets are available from the store at 310.453.2370 x2.  Pre-sale cost is $25/child, $30/adult, plus a 10% discount if you mention the code "Miss Mary Cong."
Please let me know if you are attending so that we can reserve a spot for you at our table and have enough favors for everyone.  Friends and family are welcome, transportation is on your own.  Email me at miss_cong[at] or return the form to school with your child.

American Girls @ American Girl Place (The Grove)
Where: 189 The Grove Drive Los Angeles, CA  90036
When: Sunday, August 15
2PM--Free craft.  Make a parfleche inspired by Kaya.
3PM--Free historical tour.  Join us on a guided tour of the store, featuring the historical doll displays.
4PM--Kaya's Celebration Day.  Learn about the Nez Perce tribe and celebrate Kaya's birthday.  $25/person (includes gratuity), make checks out to Miss Cong.  The tea must be pre-paid at the time of reservation, so please let me know as soon as possible if you intend to come, I will cover the reservation if you can at least make a deposit of $10/person or send a post-dated check for the 26th.
Please RSVP for the tour and/or Celebration Day event so that we can arrange for your reservation and provide favors for each attendee.  Friends, family, and dolls are welcome as well, transportation is on your own.  Email me at miss_cong[at] or return the form to school with your child.

Looking forward to spending time with you and your families on these very special excursions!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Just a quick note to let you all know that pictures up to and including Week 2 of SPEF Summer School 2010 are now uploaded into my flickr gallery.  Click here to go to the 2010 collection.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Optional Field Trips

If you have students in Hogwarts or American Girls, I'm sure you've heard by now about our optional "reunion" field trips in August.  We have had quite a bit of interest (it's not too late to add your name to the list!), and I am still working out the details, but more information is forthcoming. 

Pretty much anyone with a relationship to the class (parent, sibling, grandparent, friend, etc) is welcome to join us, just let me know ahead of time so I can get an accurate head count.  For liability reasons, transportation to the site is on your own. 

For Hogwarts, we will be visiting Whimsic Alley, a store inspired by the wizarding shops of Diagon Alley.  In their new space, they have built a "Great Hall" to rival that of Hogwarts.  Those who wish to enjoy tea time in the hall may buy tickets ranging from $25-$40.  A typical afternoon tea at any fine hotel or tea room will cost a similar amount, so this is actually reasonable.  The store will also provide entertainment, either a magic show or a tarot/tea leaf reading, depending on which date is selected.  Wizarding attire is recommended!  Not a tea drinker?  We may arrange a meet in the alley prior to or after the tea so students may socialize.  Whimsic Alley is located in The Miracle Mile, an area known for its museums, so even if you're not having tea, there are plenty of things to do after the meet up.  Former students are also encouraged to attend, simply send me an email to let me know you are coming at miss_cong[at]  Official website:  Whimsic Alley Tea Parties

The American Girls will be headed to the American Girl Place store, located at The Grove (Farmer's Market) in the Fairfax district.  I am trying to arrange a group tour of the store, focusing primarily on the museum-quality displays of the historical dolls.  This tour would be free of cost.  Also, depending on which day we go, there may be free demonstrations or crafts being held in the store.  In addition to this, we will be enjoying tea or lunch in the store's cafe, a cost of about $25 per person.  The girls may bring their own dolls, which sit in their own seats at the table, or may borrow one from the cafe.  All guests in the cafe are charged for the meal, so if your girl is set on having lunch with us and you are not, you may explore other dining options and return once the lunch is over, but I know that many parents enjoy experiencing this with their child.  Since I will have to make the group reservations, the funds are due to me before the end of summer school.  Official website:  American Girl Store LA Events

Again, these trips are completely optional and were conceived as a chance for students to reconnect before the start of the school year, in environments specific to the courses they are taking this summer.  I in no way profit from organizing either trip. This is just preliminary information, and as stated, specifics as to date and time, etc. will be provided as soon as possible.

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th of July holiday!  We will be back to school on Tuesday, July 6 for week 2 of our exciting classes.

In the meantime, do enjoy the photos in my flickr gallery (see links).  I am currently uploading the backlog of photos taken last week.

Hogwarts students have been busy with supply procurement, making their own wands (a bargain, at only 1 galleon for supplies!), and finally being sorted into the four houses.  We even celebrated Harry's 11th birthday (the same day Hagrid found him in that hut in the sea) with a chocolate cake made by Hagrid himself.  It was a bit smushed, but still delicious.

The American Girls learned about life in the Colonial era through the story of Felicity Merriman, concluding in a tea and the performance of a play about the tea boycott.  Next up, we will be reading Meet Samantha, the story of a Victorian girl in the early 20th century.  Topics covered may include child labor laws and women's suffrage.  Again, you don't need to have the book to participate, but it does help to follow along.  Click through the link to find the book on Amazon, or visit your local library or bookstore. The Samantha doll has been retired, so many of her books may now be more difficult to find in stores.

Finally, in Book Cooks, we had a nice mix of old favorites as well as new stories and recipes.  Mashed potatoes, Jell-O parfaits, ratatouille, and candy bar hot chocolate were all prepared and enjoyed by the students this week.  I suggest giving over the potato-mashing to your young sous chef this Thanksgiving.  Stay tuned for next week's menu!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Are You READY????

Oh boys and girls, Monday marks the start of Summer School.  Now, most kids would say, "Blech, school?  In the summer?  No way," but not you!  You will be bright and shiny and happy when I see you on Monday and I cannot wait.  Hogwarts, American Girls, and Book Cooks will be the best ever, I know it!  So make sure you have everything sorted out before you show up at Marengo, wouldn't want to miss one second of the fun, would you? 

Parents, be on the lookout for the newsletter for all the important info. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Enrollment is Open!

If you haven't already, be sure to enroll in SPEF Summer School!  Enrollment opened for South Pasadena residents on April 12, and should be open for non-residents by the 26th.  I am teaching Hogwarts Year I (per. 1), Hogwarts Year II (per. 2), American Girls (per. 3), and Book Cooks (per. 4 & 5), but I really encourage everyone to look at the other offerings to find what appeals to you. 

Check my links on the left to go to the SPEF website for more information.  Or, stop by the SPEF office located at the SPUSD District Office to pick up a schedule of classes. 

A note about books:  If you are planning on enrolling in Hogwarts, you will need a US copy of the book (published by Scholastic).  If you don't already own one, paperbacks are currently on sale at Borders, buy one get one 50% off.  Borders Harry Potter Sale  The books are also available at Amazon.  In the American Girls class, 4 books will be read whole-group:  Meet Felicity, Meet Samantha, Meet Molly and Meet Kit.  It is not necessary to have copies of these books, but you can easily find them online (see Amazon link) or in-store if you want to read along each week.  Since we read a different book or story every day in Book Cooks, students do not need to bring copies to class.  Many of these books should be widely available at your local library as well, so be sure to bring what you need to class on June 28!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Harry Potter: The Exhibition

If you will be in the Toronto area this spring/summer, think about dropping in to see the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Ontario Science Center.  The previous stop was in Chicago, but no dates have been announced for the Los Angeles area as of yet. 

Ontario Science Center
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
April 9, 2010-August 22, 2010

From the website:
"In this amazing exhibition, guests will get an up close and personal look at the artistry and craftsmanship that went into creating the iconic props and costumes that appeared throughout the Harry Potter films. These authentic artifacts will be displayed in elaborate settings inspired by locations from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry including the Gryffindor common room, Hagrid’s hut and the Great Hall. "
Harry Potter: The Exhibition

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Summer School 2010!

Hey Everyone!

That time is nearly upon us again, SPEF Summer School is back this June! Oh, and incidentally, so am I. :) I again plan to teach Hogwarts School of Wizardry (Years I and II) as well as Book Cooks. Hogwarts is getting cleaned by the house elves from top to bottom in preparation for your arrival from the Hogwarts Express, either by boat or thestral. I'm fine-tuning some new stories and recipes to add the 2010 Book Cooks menu, but don't worry, we'll still be making a lot of old favorites. I am also excited to be introducing an All-American Girl class, based on the popular book series. Students (boys are more than welcome!) will go back in time with a different American Girl every week, learning history while also doing some fun activities, culminating with a Friday tea party or picnic. You will not want to miss this!

Of course, please be sure to check out the other classes being offered by the great staff and if you're 5th grade and up, the middle and high schools will no doubt have an awesome lineup as well. Registration opens this April and I hope to see your shiny, happy faces on June 28!